Renting car?
New tools for old problems.

Car renting Solution creates one of the world's best known car rental experience.
UX/UI Design
Sayyar website screen
Sayyar logo
Sayyar is renting cars solution that provides an enhanced experience through all the renting process.
Project Year: 2023 - 1444
Sayyar home screen
Home page of Sayyar App
The Car you need.
From a place you can trust.
An overview of the old problems.
based on my research I found that 80% of people had a bad experience with renting car, and just 20% of them thinking in renting car again.
Some of the common issues represented in the delay which takes 7-30 working days, also the car’s report that doesn’t include all the car flaws before renting. Additionally, the issue of users and service provider rights which are not usually clarified for each part.
Recruiting critiria

To find problems, talk to people.

- Users who rented a car at least once last year
- Users who rented a car and had troubles
- Users who need to rent a car again
Due 10 days
Based on Riyadh
20 participant
Did you rent a car in the past year?
Did you have problems while you rented a car?
Did you know your rights before renting a car?
Based on your experience, will you rent a car again?
Will enhancing the renting process motivate you to rent cars again?
Key findings

To find ideas, find problems.


Based on 20 participants, there are only 4 users who didn't have problems after renting a car.
*Based on the interviews, 80% of users had problems after renting a car.
Renting a car experience is improvable.
*Based on the interviews, 80% of users wouldn’t rent a car again if the renting experience didn’t change.
There’s a need for renting cars.
*Based on the interviews, 90% of users have rented a car in the last year.
Users didn’t understand their rights unless they had an issue after renting a car.
*Based on the interviews, 50% of users didn’t know their rights.
The Solutions i believe in:
- Providing services that fit user's needs considering every step in their journey.
- Providing services that guarantee quality and safety
- Making the experience user friendly.
- Making the rights clear to the user.
- Personalizing the product as much as possible.
Home page of Sayyar App
Information architecture
The interviews that we conducted helped us narrow down the personas that we always kept at the center of our decisions.
Usability study
To figure out what specific difficulties users have when they try to complete core tasks like renting a car based on preferences, picking up a vehicle or receiving it at home, showing contract details, and requesting services for the rented car.
Interviwe particpants
- Task success rate
- User error rates
- Time on task
Moderated usability study
Usability testing
Insights ✨
Users need to enhance their searching experience to choose the car they need based on certain details.
Users need to reorganize the navigation bar.
Users had difficulties realizing the difference between profile and home designs.
In the delivery of a car, Users need to track the cars.
Users need to see the countdown days of the renting process.
Users need to have notifications about their rent inside the app.
Usability testing
There's always room for improvements 👍.
With assumptions
With assumptions
After usability
Users need to enhance their searching experience to choose the car they need based on certain details.
Adding a button that catches their interest before they scroll down looking for a car will lead them to a journey of 5 steps to provide them results based on the user's preferences.
With assumptions
After usability
Users need to reorganize the navigation bar.
Organizing the navigation bar to be: Home, Explore, Help, and Profile Starting with Frequent use.
With assumptions
With assumptions
After usability
Users had difficulties realizing the difference between profile and home designs.
Enhancing the profile screen to make it simple and functional, displaying the most important information for the user.
We will deliver your car to home
You should never have to worry.
Track you car
Based on your preferences
Discover amazing cars with precise search experience.
Pick up a car process
Explored the fleet but still can’t find the perfect car?
Finding car for the user based on preferences
The inspiration behind
Bottom navigation bar
Designing the bottom navigation bar is inspired by the curves and lines of the brand; what I want to reflect in the design is the smoothness and continuity of the brand values.
Customer service
What helps people helps business.
Customer service that work 24/7 to serve the users in best way
Tap to see the Prototype
Continuous security for your expanding digital assets
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